On Gratitude

Col 3-15

I find gratitude to be hard found lately. We’re busy, circumstances are hard, life seems to continually throw a curve ball. But this is not the existence/mindset meant for us. I just don’t believe it!

It’s all about Perspective. I think Holocost Survivor Corrie Ten Boom said it best:

“If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.”

God IS good. God DOES have a plan. Hurt, grief, hardship are a part of life. But facing these impossibilities with a heart full of gratitude, makes the hard small, and the love of our God big!
So, today let us be grateful we never have to walk the hard parts of life alone. Thank you God for being there every step of the way.



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